Short: XSA compressor/decompressor. Uploader: (Deok-Min Yun) Author: (Deok-Min Yun) Type: util/pack Requires: Workbench 1.3 or better Version: 1.0 TITLE XSA 1.0 for Amiga WHAT'S NEW? First public release. WHAT IS IT? XSA is an Amiga port of utilities XSC and XSD. The following is taken from the original documentation. The programs in this archive are designed to use disk-images created with XelaSoft's D2F and F2D tools on non-MSX systems. The programs XSC and XSD are a general compression program and a general decompression program. The compression format used is compatible with the compression format used by D2F and F2D. The program XSC can be used to convert a .XSA disk image into a .DSK disk image, which then can be loaded into a MSX emulator supporting .DSK disk images or which can be copied to a disk with some appropriate tool. AUTHOR Name : Deok-Min Yun E-Mail : WWW : My other programs include, Aminet2DB : Aminet RECENT, CSV, TSV converter. CUR2ILBM : Windows cursor/icon to ILBM converter. KLS : Korean Locale System for Amiga. MrCAMD : GUI frontend for CAMD_Toolkit using MUIRexx. MrMIDI : GUI frontend for GMPlay using MUIRexx. MrMPEG : GUI frontend for MPEGA using MUIRexx. RGBx_DT : RGBx DataType for RGBN and RGB8. XBM_DT : X BitMap DataType.