Short: Release 1.1, RGBx DataType for RGBN and RGB8. Uploader: (Deok-Min Yun) Author: (Deok-Min Yun) Type: util/dtype Requires: Workbench 3.0 or better Version: 1.1 TITLE RGBx DataType for IFF-RGBN and IFF-RGB8 pictures. WHAT'S NEW? - No checks were done for High Res Laced picture with HAM (thanks to Carl Read for reporting this). WHAT IS IT? RGBN and RGB8 pictures are used by Impulse's graphics packages like Silver, TurboSilver, Diamond, Imagine, etc. Recently, Impulse re- released some of their old softwares as public domain so I thought it would be a good idea if everybody could see some of example pictures without launching the graphics package. FEATURES - HAM6 display on OCS or ECS (for both RGBN and RGB8). - HAM8 display on AGA (only applicable for RGB8). - Full colour display on CyberGraphX or Picasso96 using picture.datatype V43. - Compatible with IPrefs (no need for FastIPrefs). - Compatible with MultiView with stack size of 4096 bytes. AUTHOR Name : Deok-Min Yun E-Mail : WWW : My other programs include, Aminet2DB : Aminet RECENT, CSV, TSV converter. CUR2ILBM : Windows cursor/icon to ILBM converter. KLS : KLS (Korean Locale System). MrCAMD : GUI frontend for CAMD_Toolkit using MUIRexx. MrMIDI : GUI frontend for GMPlay using MUIRexx. MrMPEG : GUI frontend for MPEGA using MUIRexx. WinRes : Windows resource extractor (.EXE, .ICL, etc.). XBM_DT : X BitMap DataType. XSA : XSA compressor/decompressor.