Short: GUI frontend for CAMD_Toolkit using MUIRexx. Uploader: (Deok-Min Yun) Author: (Deok-Min Yun) Type: mus/midi Requires: CAMD_Toolkit, GMPlay 1.3, MUIRexx 3.0a Version: 1.1 TITLE MrCAMD 1.1 for Amiga WHAT'S NEW? - Fixed loading and saving routines to determine whether it is correct format or not. - Fixed the bug with some requesters showing on default public screen instead of MrCAMD's screen. WHAT IS IT? MrCAMD is a GUI frontend for CAMD_Toolkit using MUIRexx. It supports many of the features provided in CAMD_Toolkit with intuitive interface. - Easy to use interface. - Strong song list manipulation. - User can change settings while playing the music or stopped. - Drag & drop MIDI files from Workbench. - Total song play time display. AUTHOR Name : Deok-Min Yun E-Mail : WWW : My other programs include, Aminet2DB : Aminet RECENT, CSV, TSV converter. CUR2ILBM : Windows cursor/icon to ILBM converter. KLS : Korean Locale System for Amiga. MrMIDI : GUI frontend for GMPlay using MUIRexx. MrMPEG : GUI frontend for MPEGA using MUIRexx. RGBx_DT : RGBx DataType for RGBN and RGB8. XBM_DT : X BitMap DataType. XSA : XSA compressor/decompressor.